Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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257 lines
:Program. Sana2.mod
:Contents. Structure definitions for SANA-II devices
:Author. (Original) Raymond S. Brand, Dale Larson
:Author. (Oberon) bene@amokut.adsp.sub.org (Nicolas Benezan)
:Copyright. (C) Copyright 1991 Commodore-Amiga Inc.
:Copyright. All Rights Reserved
:Language. Oberon
:Translator. Amiga Oberon Compiler V3.0
:History. V1.4 bene 25-Nov-91 ported from sana.h 91/11/07
:History. V1.5 bene 23-Apr-92 + LONGBOOL
:History. V1.6 bene 11-Jun-92 adapted to compiler 2.25
:History. V1.7 bene 24-Jul-92 compiler 2.39, BYTE -> SHORTINT
:History. V1.8 bene 10-Dec-92 DeviceStats bug fixed
:History. V1.9 bene 16-May-93 + amokNet
:History. V1.10 hG 20-May-93 updated to V39, rearranged
:History. 40.15 hG 28-Dec-93 updated to V40.15, bumped version/rev.
:Version. $VER: Sana2.mod 40.15 (28.12.93) Oberon 3.0
MODULE Sana2; (* $Implementation- *)
e * := Exec,
Timer *,
u * := Utility;
maxAddrBits * = 128;
maxAddrBytes * = (maxAddrBits + 7) DIV 8;
Sana2Address * = ARRAY maxAddrBytes OF SHORTINT;
StatDataPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO StatData;
DeviceQueryPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DeviceQuery;
PacketTypeStatsPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO PacketTypeStats;
SpecialStatHeaderPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO SpecialStatHeader;
DeviceStatsPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DeviceStats;
BufferMngDataPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO BufferMngData;
CopyBuffProc * = PROCEDURE (to{8} : e.APTR;
from{9} : e.APTR;
count{0}: LONGINT): e.LONGBOOL;
BufferMngData * = STRUCT END;
BufferTagList * = STRUCT (dummy *: BufferMngData)
tags *: u.Tags2;
IOSana2Req * = STRUCT (ioReq *: e.IORequest)
wireError * : LONGINT; (* wire type specific error *)
packetType * : LONGINT; (* packet type *)
srcAddr * : Sana2Address; (* source address *)
dstAddr * : Sana2Address; (* dest address *)
dataLength * : LONGINT; (* from header *)
data * : e.APTR; (* packet data *)
statData * : StatDataPtr; (* statics data pointer *)
bufferMng * : BufferMngDataPtr; (* TagList / ProcTable *)
(* defines for IOSana2Req.ioReq.flags *)
raw * = 7; (* raw packet IO requested *)
bcast * = 6; (* broadcast packet (received) *)
mcast * = 5; (* multicast packet (received) *)
quick * = e.quick; (* quick IO requested (0) *)
(* defines for OpenDevice() *)
mine * = 0; (* exclusive access requested *)
prom * = 1; (* promiscuous mode requested *)
(* defines for OpenDevice() tags *)
dummy * = u.user + 0B0000H;
copyToBuff * = dummy + 1;
copyFromBuff * = dummy + 2;
StatData * = STRUCT END; (* dummy *)
DeviceQuery * = STRUCT (dummy *: StatData)
(* standard information *)
sizeAvailable * : LONGINT; (* bytes available *)
sizeSupplied * : LONGINT; (* bytes supplied *)
devQueryFormat * : LONGINT; (* this is type 0 *)
deviceLevel * : LONGINT; (* this document is level 0 *)
(* common information *)
addrFieldSize * : INTEGER; (* address size in bits *)
mtu * : LONGINT; (* maximum packet data size *)
bps * : LONGINT; (* line rate (bits/sec) *)
hardwareType * : LONGINT; (* what the wire is *)
(* format specific information *)
** defined Hardware types
** If your hardware type isn't listed below contact CATS to get a new
** type number added for your hardware.
ethernet * = 1;
ieee802 * = 6;
arcnet * = 7;
localTalk * = 11;
dyLan * = 12;
amokNet * = 200;
PPP * = 253;
SLIP * = 254;
CSLIP * = 255;
PacketTypeStats * = STRUCT (dummy *: StatData)
packetsSent * : LONGINT; (* transmitted count *)
packetsReceived * : LONGINT; (* received count *)
bytesSent * : LONGINT; (* bytes transmitted count *)
bytesReceived * : LONGINT; (* bytes received count *)
packetsDropped * : LONGINT; (* packets dropped count *)
SpecialStatRecord * = STRUCT
type * : LONGINT; (* statistic identifier *)
count * : LONGINT; (* the statistic *)
string * : e.LSTRPTR; (* statistic name *)
SpecialStatHeader * = STRUCT (dummy *: StatData)
recordCountMax * : LONGINT; (* room available *)
recordCountSupplied * : LONGINT; (* number supplied *)
(* struct Sana2SpecialStatRecord[RecordCountMax]; *)
DeviceStats * = STRUCT (dummy *: StatData)
packetsReceived * : LONGINT; (* received count *)
packetsSent * : LONGINT; (* transmitted count *)
badData * : LONGINT; (* bad packets received *)
overruns * : LONGINT; (* hardware miss count *)
unused * : LONGINT; (* 12-Nov-92 release bugfix *)
unknownTypesReceived * : LONGINT; (* orphan count *)
reconfigurations * : LONGINT; (* network reconfigurations *)
lastStart * : Timer.TimeVal;(* time of last online *)
(* device commands *)
start * = e.nonstd;
deviceQuery * = start + 0;
getStationAddress * = start + 1;
configInterface * = start + 2;
addMulticastAddress * = start + 5;
delMulticastAddress * = start + 6;
multicast * = start + 7;
broadcast * = start + 8;
trackType * = start + 9;
untrackType * = start + 10;
getTypeStats * = start + 11;
getSpecialStats * = start + 12;
getGlobalStats * = start + 13;
onEvent * = start + 14;
readOrphan * = start + 15;
online * = start + 16;
offline * = start + 17;
end * = start+18;
(* defined errors for IOSana2Req.ioReq.error (see also <exec/errors.h>) *)
noError * = 0; (* peachy-keen *)
noResources * = 1; (* resource allocation failure *)
badArgument * = 3; (* garbage somewhere *)
badState * = 4; (* inappropriate state *)
badAddress * = 5; (* who? *)
mtuExceeded * = 6; (* too much to chew *)
notSupported * = 8; (* command not supported *)
software * = 9; (* software error detected *)
outOfService * = 10; (* driver is OFFLINE *)
** From <exec/errors.h>
** openFail * = -1; (* device/unit failed to open *)
** aborted * = -2; (* request terminated early [after AbortIO()] *)
** noCmd * = -3; (* command not supported by device *)
** badLength * = -4; (* not a valid length (usually IO_LENGTH) *)
** badAddress * = -5; (* invalid address (misaligned or bad range) *)
** unitBusy * = -6; (* device opens ok, but requested unit is busy *)
** selfTest * = -7; (* hardware failed self-test *)
(* defined errors for S2io_WireError *)
genericError * = 0; (* no specific info available *)
notConfigured * = 1; (* unit not configured *)
unitOnline * = 2; (* unit is currently online *)
unitOffline * = 3; (* unit is currently offline *)
alreadyTracked * = 4; (* protocol already tracked *)
notTracked * = 5; (* protocol not tracked *)
buffError * = 6; (* buff mgt func returned error *)
srcAddress * = 7; (* source address problem *)
dstAddress * = 8; (* destination address problem *)
badBroadcast * = 9; (* broadcast address problem *)
badMulticast * = 10; (* multicast address problem *)
multicastFull * = 11; (* multicast address list full *)
badEvent * = 12; (* unsupported event class *)
badStatData * = 13; (* statdata failed sanity check *)
isConfigured * = 15; (* attempt to config twice *)
nullPointer * = 16; (* null pointer detected *)
(* defined events *)
eventError * = 0; (* error catch all *)
eventTx * = 1; (* transmitter error catch all *)
eventRx * = 2; (* receiver error catch all *)
eventOnline * = 3; (* unit is in service *)
eventOffline * = 4; (* unit is not in service *)
eventBuff * = 5; (* buff mgt function error *)
eventHardware * = 6; (* hardware error catch all *)
eventSoftware * = 7; (* software error catch all *)
** The SANA-II special statistic identifier is an unsigned 32 number.
** The upper 16 bits identify the type of network wire type to which
** the statistic applies and the lower 16 bits identify the particular
** statistic.
** If you desire to add a new statistic identifier, contacts CATS.
ethernetIDDummy * = ASH(ethernet,16);
** defined ethernet special statistics
ethernetBadMulticast * = ethernetIDDummy + 0;
** This count will record the number of times a received packet tripped
** the hardware's multicast filtering mechanism but was not actually in
** the current multicast table.
ethernetRetries * = ethernetIDDummy +1;
** This count records the total number of retries which have resulted
** from transmissions on this board.
END Sana2.